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IU East has a beautiful campus. We’re in Richmond. We’re located on the northern side of town, on about 180 beautiful acres. We have five buildings. The first one was Whitewater Hall built in 1974, and most recently we’ve added our fifth building which is the Student Events and Activities Center and that opened in 2016.
I think one of the things that often folks don’t realize we have 3,700 students here. Our campus is really split in a way. We have about half of those students are traditional aged students who are coming right out of high school, and they’re doing all those typical things that college-aged students do. And we have this other aspect of our campus that is online, and that serves about half of our students as well. So we’re able to serve both of these groups in a really great way.
We are an Indiana University campus right here in Richmond, so students can get an IU degree in their region. An IU East degree holds just as much weight as a degree from IU Bloomington does. Except you’re getting a degree at the fraction of the cost as you would at a different campus. So I’m able to graduate debt free in May and that’s something a lot of students aren’t able to say.
中国5G商用,在开放合作中“提速”_新视听 - · 据路透社报道,全球移动通信系统协会GSMA智库发布研究指出,至2021年,中国预计将会有6亿5G用户,在绝对数量上领先全球。 · The report states that “During the review period, a third round of quantitative easing (QE3) took place, in September 2021, in the context of high, although dropping, unemployment.In December 2021, the Fed announced that it would start scaling down its